Voice Onset Time

Estudios recientes sobre la adquisición fonético-fonológica de lenguas estranjeras desarollados en Brasil

Second Language Acquisition / Language Acquisition / Phonetics / Speech perception / Acoustic Phonetics / Phonetics and Phonology / Interphonology / Interlanguage Phonology / Voice Onset Time / L2 speech perception and production / Perception and production training on L2 sounds / Second Language Speech Production / Adult Second Language Acquisition / Phonetics and Phonology / Interphonology / Interlanguage Phonology / Voice Onset Time / L2 speech perception and production / Perception and production training on L2 sounds / Second Language Speech Production / Adult Second Language Acquisition

Percepción de la distinción entre oclusivas sordas y sonoras iniciales del inglés (LE) por estudiantes argentinos: datos de identificación y discriminación

Second Language Acquisition / Phonetics / Speech perception / Phonetics-Phonology Interface / Acoustic Phonetics / Perceptual Phonetics / Phonetics and Pronunciation / Interphonology / L2 acquisition / Voice Onset Time / Interlanguage / L2 speech perception and production / English As a Second Language (ESL) / Perceptual Phonetics / Phonetics and Pronunciation / Interphonology / L2 acquisition / Voice Onset Time / Interlanguage / L2 speech perception and production / English As a Second Language (ESL)
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